Watertight, not Watermelon, SLAs
Service level agreements are often driven and defined entirely by IT people without collaboration or agreement, and as s...
The Value of Creating a Good-Comes-First Work Culture
When employees feel respected and validated even in times of dramatic change and socially acceptable incivility those em...
Employee Engagement is a Vital Part of the IT Mission
A good IT experience may be the key to improving employee engagement, but too often IT initiatives to improve employee e...
Inside ITIL 4: Co-creation of value. In practice!
At AXELOS we are passionate about co-creation of value: developing our products & services to truly meet the needs of ...
Support the Emotional Health of Your Learners for a Successful Training
The brain learns quicker and better when the learner is comfortable, so it pays to invest in making your trainees comfor...
Using Value to Sell Improvement Initiatives
Many organizations are starting to evaluate all the components that make up their operational model. It's more impor...
How Service Asset and Configuration Management Help the Shift to Remote Work
Changes in scope of Service Asset and Configuration Management (SACM) can support organizations to shift rapidly to remo...

ITIL® and PRINCE2® are registered trade marks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

RESILIA™ is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

The Swirl logo™ is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

DevOps Foundation®, is a registered mark of the DevOps Institute.

HDI® is a Registered Trade Mark. HDAA is the Australasian Gold Partner of HDI®.

KCS® is a Service Mark of the Consortium for Service Innovation™.

ITIL®, Resilia™ and Prince2® training is provided by Cobitism PTY LTD, a Peoplecert accredited Training Organisation.

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