About Our Workshops
Workshop topics are selected for their timeliness and relevance to members. They may come from new industry developments, existing best practices or specially requested topics. Whether revitalising a topic due to industry evolution or bringing you something totally new, we always find that you learn from the experience. The added benefit is that you connect with industry colleagues enabling the sharing of your own experience and skills while learning from others.
HDAA workshops can also be a good way to reward and recognise your staff, giving them the benefit of personal development and the potential to increase their overall productivity whilst meeting others within the industry.
Workshops are run in 2 physical rounds per year, each workshop being held in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra (constituting a round). And 2 virtual workshops per year.
HDAA Gold and Silver Level Members recieve complimentary seats to HDAA Workshops
Gold Level Members : 8 Complimentary seats per round
Silver Level Members : 5 Complimentary seats per round
Virtual Level Members : 2 Complimentary seat to Virtual Workshops only.